Top 10

HB1708 - Access to Housing Task Force; report. 01/17/2025
Notes: Establishes the Access to Housing Task Force for the purpose of evaluating short-term and long-term access to housing in the Commonwealth. The bill directs the Task Force to report its findings and conclusions to the Governor and General Assembly no later than November 1, 2025, regarding its activities and recommendations.
HB1723 - Department of Social Services; establishment of Task Force on Improving Access to Food Assistance Programs.01/17/2025
Notes: Requires the Department of Social Services to establish and appoint such members as it deems necessary or appropriate to the Task Force on Improving Access to Food Assistance Programs for the purpose of improving access to and maximizing participation in all federal public assistance programs administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture relating to assistance with food access and improving food security. This bill is a recommendation of the Virginia Commission to End Hunger.
HB1724 - Prescription Drug Affordability Board established; drug cost affordability review.01/17/2025
Notes: Establishes the Prescription Drug Affordability Board for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the Commonwealth and other stakeholders within the health care system from the high costs of prescription drug products.
HB1753 - Department of Health; regulations; Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' final rule; Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities. 01/17/2025
Notes: Directs the Department of Health to develop regulations to implement the requirements of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' final rule for Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting. The bill also repeals Chapters 482 and 483 the Acts of Assembly of 2023, which are made obsolete by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' final rule.
HB1833 - Small Family Day Home Provider Incentive Pilot Program; established, sunset.01/17/2025
Notes: Establishes the four-year Small Family Day Home Provider Incentive Pilot Program whereby funds are provided to the Ready Region Chesapeake Bay lead to work in conjunction with public and private partners to (i) cover the cost of hiring a Navigator focused on providing training and support to small family day homes in the region, including weekend training sessions to provide information on first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification, medication administration, safe sleep practices, emergency planning, recordkeeping, insurance, and compliance with relevant local ordinances, and (ii) provide incentive payments of $500 to any small family day home in the region (a) that is not licensed or voluntarily registered when such home achieves voluntary registration, (b) that is voluntarily registered or otherwise unlicensed when such home achieves licensure, and (c) when such home first participates in the Virginia Quality Birth to Five (VQB5) system.
HB1928 - Minimum wage.01/17/2025
Notes: Increases the minimum wage incrementally to $15.00 per hour by January 1, 2027. The bill codifies the adjusted state hourly minimum wage of $12.41 per hour that is effective January 1, 2025 and increases the minimum wage to $13.50 per hour effective January 1, 2026 and to $15.00 per hour effective January 1, 2027. The bill requires the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to establish an adjusted state hourly minimum wage by October 1, 2027.
HB1978 - Assisted living facility administrators; study; Joint Commission on Health Care to study licensure.01/17/2025
Notes: Directs the Joint Commission on Health Care to conduct a study on licensure of assisted living facility administrators.
HB2054 - Affordable housing; application for special use permit for assisted living facilities. 01/17/2025
Notes: Allows localities that have adopted an affordable housing program to negotiate that in an application for a special exception or special use permit affordable rental units be included for any proposed development of an assisted living facility. Such ordinance shall apply to applications approved on or after January 1, 2026.
HB2253 - Nursing homes; establishes procedures for implementation of sanctions, civil penalty.01/17/2025
Notes: Establishes procedures for the implementation of sanctions by the State Health Commissioner on any nursing home that is licensed pursuant to the laws regulating medical care facilities and services.
HB2535 - Uniform Health Care Decisions Act.01/17/2025
Notes: Repeals most provisions of the Health Care Decisions Act and enacts the Uniform Health Care Decisions Act. The bill creates a process for the execution of advance health care directives, as defined in the bill; establishes criteria for determining the capacity of an individual to make health care decisions; provides for the establishment of a default surrogate in the absence of an appointed agent for health care decisions; establishes powers and duties of agents appointed by powers of attorney for health care; and establishes duties of health care professionals.
HB2576 - Conditional release of geriatric prisoners.01/17/2025
Notes: Expands the list of offenses that prohibit a person from petitioning the Parole Board for conditional release as a geriatric prisoner.
HJ445 - Persons with disabilities; JLARC to study transportation options in rural areas. 01/17/2025
Notes: Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study transportation options in rural areas for persons with disabilities and identify ways to expand or enhance such transportation services. This bill is a recommendation of the Virginia Disability Commission.
SB1020 - Restaurant Meals Program of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; DSS to report.01/17/2025
Notes: Directs the Department of Social Services to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the implementation of the Restaurant Meals Program of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
SB1178 - Faith and housing; affordable housing on property owned by religious or tax-exempt organizations01/17/2025
Notes: Grants authority to localities to adopt a variety of strategies intended to encourage and facilitate the development of affordable housing on property owned by religious organizations or tax-exempt nonprofit organizations.
SB772 - Social Services, Department of; applications for public assistance, immigration status inquiry.01/17/2025
Notes: Requires the director of a local department of social services or the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, whichever is applicable, to inquire as to the immigration status of all persons applying for public assistance benefits administered by the Department of Social Services.