HB1552 - Critical access hospitals; swing beds. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: Allows critical access hospitals to utilize any number of swing beds without obtaining a certificate of public need, subject to the limitations of federal law. Under current law, critical access hospitals may only use up to 10 percent of beds as swing beds. |
HB1582 - Pharmacists; collaborative agreements, drug therapy. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: Specifies that collaborative agreements between pharmacists and other health care providers may include prescribing for the implementation, modification, continuation, or discontinuation of drug therapy. |
HB1639 - Health insurance; tobacco surcharge, removes sunset. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
HB1828 - Health insurance; cost sharing for breast examinations. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
HB1860 - Nursing, Board of; waiver of regulations related to nursing faculty ratios. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
HB1861 - Department of Health Professions; health regulatory boards; regulations; licensure by endorsement. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
HB2269 - Hospitals; reports of threats or acts of violence against health care providers. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1020 - Restaurant Meals Program of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; DSS to report. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1064 - Medical care facilities; relocation, conversion, and addition of beds. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1177 - Critical access hospitals; swing beds. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1203 - Certificate of public need; task force to develop recommendation for expedited application & review. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1363 - Health Professions, Board of; transfer of powers and duties. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1379 - Research and Clinical Trial Cancer Consortium Initiative; established, report. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1383 - Nursing homes; establishes procedures for implementation of sanctions, civil penalty. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1484 - Hospitals and nursing homes; licensure and inspection fees. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB740 - Medicine, Board of; continuing education, unconscious bias and cultural competency. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: Directs the Board of Medicine to require unconscious bias and cultural competency training as part of the continuing education requirements for renewal of licensure. The bill specifies requirements for the training and requires the Board of Medicine to report on the training to the Department of Health and the Virginia Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative. |
SB774 - Essential health benefits benchmark plan review; members of stakeholder work group. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: Requires that the stakeholder work group convened by the Bureau of Insurance of the State Corporation Commission for the essential health benefits benchmark plan review consist of members who possess demonstrated and acknowledged expertise in health benefit plan design, actuarial science, population health, patient advocacy, or advocating for or assisting enrollees in individual or small group health coverage. The bill requires the work group to consider factors including (i) coverage denial rates of benefits that are not covered under the current benchmark plan; (ii) the utilization of mandated benefits; (iii) the projected impact of a proposed mandate on the prevalence of medical need, the urgency of such medical need, and any disproportionate disease burden borne by different subpopulations; (iv) the projected cost of each proposed mandate; and (v) other data as determined by the work group. This bill is a recommendation of the Health Insurance Reform Commission. |
SB780 - Health insurance; coverage for contraceptive drugs and devices. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: Requires health insurance carriers to provide coverage, under any health insurance contract, policy, or plan that includes coverage for prescription drugs on an outpatient basis, for contraceptive drugs and contraceptive devices, as defined in the bill, including those available over-the-counter. |
SB842 - Mobile health clinics; DHCD to include broadband access services for clinics. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to, as part of its broader initiative to support the development and implementation of programs that support telehealth, include broadband access services for mobile health clinics as a priority for broadband deployment programs using federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program funding. |
SB981 - Certified community health workers; Department of Health shall evaluate status of workers, report. | 01/19/2025 |
Notes: No additional notes. |