Elections & Redistricting

HB1566 - Elections; absentee ballot security measures; watermark.01/19/2025
Notes: Requires that any ballot mailed to an absentee voter must be printed on security paper that incorporates a visible watermark that identifies the ballot as an official ballot in a manner that preserves the absolute secrecy of the ballot.
HB1573 - Absentee voting; absentee voting in person; available beginning 10 days prior to election. 01/19/2025
Notes: Limits the availability of absentee voting in person to 10 days before the election. Under current law, absentee voting in person is available beginning 45 days prior to the election.
HB1574 - Absentee voting; absentee voting in person; available beginning 10 days prior to primary election.01/19/2025
Notes: Limits the availability of absentee voting in person in a primary election to 10 days before the election. Under current law, absentee voting in person is available beginning 45 days prior to any election, including primary elections.
HB1575 - Campaign fundraising; legislative sessions; enforcement of civil penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: Provides that violations of the prohibition on campaign fundraising during legislative sessions are to be reported to the Attorney General who shall initiate civil proceedings to enforce the civil penalty currently assessed for such violations.
HB1576 - Campaign fundraising; legislative sessions; enforcement of civil penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: Provides that violations of the prohibition on campaign fundraising during legislative sessions are to be reported to the Attorney General, who shall initiate civil proceedings to enforce the civil penalty currently assessed for such violations.
HB1652 - Elections; voter identification containing photograph required; who may register up to and including the day of the election; absentee ballot application requirements; absentee voting in person availability; return of absentee ballots.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1657 - Voter registration, regular periodic review of registration records; 90-day quiet period before all primary and general elections. 01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1686 - Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds; complaints, hearings, civil penalty, and advisory opinions.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1691 - Study; JLARC to study Virginia's campaign finance system; independent agency; report. 01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1735 - Voter registration; time period for closing registration records before certain elections.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1744 - Candidates for office; persons entitled to have name printed on ballot; required campaign finance reports.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1751 - Elections; general provisions; loudspeakers prohibited at polls and certain other locations; penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1761 - Public campaign financing; counties and cities may establish for certain offices.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1794 - Elections; primary dates, presidential year primaries.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1863 - Voter registration; time period for closing registration records before elections;01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1938 - Elections; general provisions, prohibited area.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1952 - Voter registration; lists of registered voters and persons voting, publication of costs.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1990 - Election of certain governing bodies; conversion to single-member districts.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2002 - Voter registration; cancellation of registration, sources of data.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2011 - Voter registration; cancellation of registration by voter.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2056 - Absentee voting in person; voter satellite offices, days and hours of operation.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2057 - Voter registration; automatic registration of hunting, fishing, and milk distributor license.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2139 - Elections; form of ballot, party identification, option for candidates for local offices.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2140 - Elections; campaign finance disclosure reports, searchable electronic database.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2165 - Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds, etc.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2173 - Campaign finance; coordination and required independent expenditure committee disclosure.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2216 - Elections, State Board of, appointment of Commissioner of Elections.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2276 - Voter registration; list maintenance activities, cancellation procedures, required record matches.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2277 - Elections administration; duties of local electoral board certification of election, civil penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2337 - Voter registration; time period for closing registration records before certain elections.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2357 - Voter registration; list of unqualified persons transmitted to general registrars.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2388 - Voter registration; list of unqualified persons transmitted to general registrars.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2390 - Elections; absentee voting in person, availability & affirmation stmt. in lieu of identification01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2395 - Voter registration; exchange of registered voter lists with other states.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2402 - Elections; affirmation statement in lieu of identification, additional information required.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2434 - Voter identification; identification containing a photograph required.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2444 - Voter registration; list of registered voters and persons voting at elections.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2445 - Absentee voting in person; available beginning 14 days prior to election; hours of operation.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2478 - Elections; absentee voting; drop-off locations for return of absentee ballots; 24-hour video surveillance requirement. 01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2479 - Elections; political campaign advertisements; synthetic media; penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2484 - Campaign finance; coordination and required independent expenditure committee disclosure.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2513 - Voter registration; cancellation of registration; notice of cancellation; new address if available.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2586 - Voter registration; automatic registration; hunting and fishing license applicants; resident concealed handgun permit applicants.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2607 - Campaign finance; prohibited contributions to candidates; Phase I01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2628 - Local officers; oath of office.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2668 - Elections; administration; procedures for removal of electoral board members and general registrars.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2670 - Campaign finance; campaign required tax-exempt organization disclosure; work group; report; civil penalties.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2672 - Elections; administration; electoral board appointments; up to five party recommendations. 01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2701 - Campaign finance; campaign contribution limits; civil penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HJ2 - Constitutional amendment; qualifications of voters, right to vote, persons not entitled to vote. 01/19/2025
Notes: Provides that every person who meets the qualifications of voters set forth in the Constitution of Virginia shall have the fundamental right to vote in the Commonwealth and that such right shall not be abridged by law, except for persons who have been convicted of a felony and persons who have been adjudicated to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting. A person who has been convicted of a felony shall not be entitled to vote during any period of incarceration for such felony conviction, but upon release from incarceration for that felony conviction and without further action required of him, such person shall be invested with all political rights, including the right to vote. Currently, in order to be qualified to vote a person convicted of a felony must have his civil rights restored by the Governor or other appropriate authority. The amendment also provides that a person adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction as lacking the capacity to understand the act of voting shall not be entitled to vote during this period of incapacity until his capacity has been reestablished as prescribed by law. Currently, the Constitution of Virginia provides that a person who has been adjudicated to be mentally incompetent is not qualified to vote until his competency is reestablished.
HJ443 - Consolidation and scheduling of general elections; joint subcommittee to study.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HJ444 - Study; JLARC; Virginia's campaign finance laws; independent agency; report. 01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1002 - Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds, etc.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1009 - Elections; conduct of election, ranked choice voting, locally elected offices, report.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1044 - Elections; general registrar of each locality to report number of provisional ballots cast.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1050 - Campaign finance; contributions from corporations prohibited, civil penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1070 - Voter identification; identification containing a photograph required.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1072 - Absentee voting in person; available beginning 14 days prior to election.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1073 - Voter registration; verification of social security numbers, provisional registration status.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1119 - Elections; primary dates, presidential year primaries.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1174 - Elections; prohibited activities; distribution of referendum materials. 01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1175 - Elections; absentee voting in person; uniform availability. 01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1185 - Campaign finance; coordination and required independent expenditure committee disclosure.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1454 - Voter registration; systematic citizenship verification program.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1469 - Campaign finance; campaign contribution limits; civil penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB760 - Elections; deadline for receipt of absentee ballots and certain other information, etc.01/19/2025
Notes: Moves the deadline for receipt of absentee ballots, information required to cure an absentee ballot, or proof of identification to accompany a provisional ballot provided for lack of identification from noon to 5:00 p.m. on the third day after the election.
SB769 - Consumer Data Protection Act; controller privacy notice; cookies; consumer consent.01/19/2025
Notes: Requires the privacy notice that a controller must provide to consumers to include a method by which a consumer may opt out of the automatic placement of a data file, commonly referred to as a "cookie," on the consumer's computer or web browser and a disclosure of the purposes for which the data files are used. The bill prohibits controllers from using cookies, except those that are strictly necessary, without the prior express consent of the consumer and prohibits controllers from preventing access to their services if such consent is not granted. The bill also requires controllers to document and store proof of such consent and make available an easily accessible method by which consumers may withdraw such consent.
SB775 - Elections; election offenses; dissemination of artificial audio or artificial visual media to influence an election; penalty.01/19/2025
Notes: Provides that any person who knowingly disseminates artificial audio or artificial visual media, as defined in the bill, intended to influence a political campaign shall include a conspicuous statement at the beginning of such media that states "THIS MEDIA DOES NOT REPRESENT A TRUE RECORDING OF THE CANDIDATE."
SB813 - Voter registration; regular periodic review of registration records.01/19/2025
Notes: Requires the Department of Elections to complete not later than 90 days prior to the date of a primary or general election any program the purpose of which is to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the voter registration system.
SB814 - Election of certain governing bodies; conversion to single-member districts.01/19/2025
Notes: Allows the governing body of a locality that has been subject to a court order imposing a remedial election system under voting rights laws to adopt an ordinance to convert one or more at-large seats of such body to single-member districts.
SB856 - Absentee voting in person; available beginning 14 days prior to election.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB906 - Campaign advertisements; independent expenditures, electioneering communications.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB940 - Elections; candidates for office, challenges to candidate qualifications.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB945 - Campaign finance; appeal of penalties.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB988 - Elections; prohibited area, within 40 feet of the curbside voting area.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB991 - Voter registration; time period for closing registration records before certain elections.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB994 - Elections; prohibited area within 100 feet.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SJ248 - Constitutional amendment (first reference); qualifications of voters; right to vote; persons not entitled to vote.01/19/2025
Notes: Provides that every person who meets the qualifications of voters set forth in the Constitution of Virginia shall have the fundamental right to vote in the Commonwealth and that such right shall not be abridged by law, except for persons who have been convicted of a felony and persons who have been adjudicated to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting. The amendment provides that a person who has been convicted of a felony shall not be entitled to vote during any period of incarceration for such felony conviction, but upon release from incarceration for that felony conviction and without further action required of him, such person shall be invested with all political rights, including the right to vote. Currently, in order to be qualified to vote a person convicted of a felony must have his civil rights restored by the Governor or other appropriate authority. The amendment also provides that a person adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction as lacking the capacity to understand the act of voting shall not be entitled to vote during this period of incapacity until his capacity has been reestablished as prescribed by law. Currently, the Constitution of Virginia provides that a person who has been adjudicated to be mentally incompetent is not qualified to vote until his competency is reestablished.
SJ253 - Consolidation and scheduling of general elections; joint subcommittee to study.01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SJ255 - Study; JLARC; Virginia's campaign finance laws; independent agency; report. 01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SJ270 - Constitutional amendment; term limits for Lieutenant Governor & Attorney General (first reference).01/19/2025
Notes: No additional notes.