Adult Social Services

HB1723 - Assistance w/food access, etc.; methods to improve participation in fed. public assistance programs.01/11/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1781 - Foreign protective orders in cases of family abuse; enforcement.01/11/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1897 - Master's social worker; scope of practice, regulations.01/11/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
HJ1 - Constitutional amendment; fundamental right to reproductive freedom (first reference). 01/11/2025
Notes: Provides that every individual has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom and that the right to make and effectuate one's own decisions about all matters related to one's pregnancy cannot be denied, burdened, or otherwise infringed upon by the Commonwealth, unless justified by a compelling state interest and achieved by the least restrictive means. The amendment prohibits the Commonwealth from penalizing, prosecuting, or otherwise taking adverse action against an individual for exercising the individual's right to reproductive freedom or for aiding another individual in the exercise of such right, unless justified by a compelling state interest.
SB1018 - Higher educational institutions, public; SNAP eligibility, applications, and participation.01/11/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1020 - Restaurant Meals Program of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; DSS to report.01/11/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1153 - Social Services, Department of; appointment of receiver for assisted living facilities.01/11/2025
Notes: No additional notes.
SB751 - Protective orders; military protective orders.01/11/2025
Notes: Permits a court to find good cause to issue a preliminary protective order when a petitioner has a Military Protective Order. The bill directs a law-enforcement officer to notify the agency that entered the Military Protective Order into the National Crime Information Center Systems that the law-enforcement officer has probable cause to believe the person violated the Military Protective Order if such person violated provisions of a state-issued protective order.